
What Is Time?

Everything that the human being does is related in some way to time. Yet, so few know what time is. Time is the duration between two events. Any two events are usually adequate to establish time. The moment when an action commences and when it ends or continues. For example, age begins at one’s birth…

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Nanny of the Maroons

Who Was Nanny of The Maroons?

Who was Nanny of the Moorns? Long before the world debated women’s liberty, one small island was crowning female leaders. These women faced challenges that transformed them into mothers, sisters, and heroines. One of them was Nanny, a warrior queen. Who Was Nanny of The Maroons? Nanny was born in Ghana in 1886 and was…

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cat food

How to Choose the Best Cat Food

Choosing the best cat food is essential to your feline’s health. Mealtime can become bonding moments cherished by both you and your cat. Plus, it should enhance growth and deliver a happy, playful pet. Before you order, consider these questions: What are the unique nutritional needs of your cat? How old is your feline? What…

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