SEO Blueprint – Stage 2 SEO Checklist

SEO blueprint

Welcome to the SEO blueprint Stage 2 checklist creation. Your blueprint already has some significant accomplishments. Stage 2 will cover technical SEO and on-page SEO strategies.

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The first five sections of the stage 1 checklist were covered, which means that you have already completed the following SEO tasks.

  1. Establish five primary keywords and phrases.
  2. Use these new primary keywords to distribute titles, descriptions, and tags throughout your website.
  3. Improve your website’s user experience.
  4. Optimize your page loading speed.
  5. Create five to ten seasonal or holiday SEO articles and publish them now.

Stage 2 of Your SEO Blueprint

This phase of your blueprint will investigate two critical long-term strategies. The plan will examine the implementation process, personnel, and apps or SEO tools that you will use.

If you are unfamiliar with basic HTML, you may need to contract an SEO or a web admin. However, most aspects of these optimization processes can be performed by an app. Once installed, they can run on autopilot.

This stage of the SEO blueprint will include

  1. Technical SEO Strategy
  2. On-Page SEO Strategy
  3. How to create an SEO Stylesheet

Technical SEO Strategy

seo blueprint

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing a website’s backend to improve its search engine performance. A good SEO strategy will include the required skillset, apps, and timeframe.

Recommended Apps: These apps can help you improve and maintain your technical SEO attributes.

  • Jetpack Boost
  • Google Site Kit
  • Google Console
  • WordPress CRM
  • SSL Certificate

Page speed: Google requires that your website load in 2.0 seconds or less. Since you already installed Jetpack Boost, this should be running well.

The software will run every time you make changes to your website. If you have installed AISEO, Site Kit, or Google Console, they will also show your page speed.

XML sitemaps: This is a special page created for search engines. It provides a list of URLs to crawl and index. Most CRMs will automatically generate this file for you.

However, to be sure, install the AISEO plugin. It offers an XML sitemap in all versions.

 Post and Page URL structure: To enhance your rankings, use a naming system when creating a page or a post. The best format is to use the title of your article.

For example,

You can set this up from your WordPress dashboard under the “Settings” option.

Security: Most search engines, including Google and Bing, will hesitate to send you to an insecure website. This makes it even worse for indexing and ranking, which are hard sales for search engines.

Securing a website is fairly easy. You can purchase an SSL certificate from your website host. Some hosting services already include the option in their plans.

A secured website will begin with the https:// instead of the http:// nodes.

On-Page SEO Strategy – Your SEO Blueprint

technical seo

On-page SEO strategy is a never-ending process since websites need articles to stay alive. The first step is to decide how frequently you will add new posts. Depending on your budget or time, this may be daily or weekly.

Reminder: The main objective of creating content for your website is to generate organic traffic and increase revenues.

Recommended Apps: You will need the following apps to complete your on-page SEO strategy.

  • AISEO or other SEO editor
  • Image Editor
  • or other stock photo gallery

SEO Stylesheet

An SEO stylesheet will guide your writing team for each article or piece of content. However, using an AI SEO tool like AISEO will eliminate the need for stylesheets. Therefore, try not to modify your style unless there is a major Google update.

Here are the essential elements that must be included in an SEO stylesheet.

  1. SEO Tags: Only the search engines will see these. Your website will read similar but differently. This includes the title, meta description, and main keywords. This is where you will use the meta tags you created in Stage 1.
  2. Heading tags: All articles must have a heading (H1) tag, a subheading (H2 -4), and a conclusion.
  3. Links: SEO requires links in your content, and at least two links should exist. One should lead tobe another article on your website, and the other should point to an external page relevant to the content.
  4. Images: A picture shares a thousand words and makes your article attractive to readers. Try including two images in your article. Do not forget to name your image and add your primary keyword in the “Alternative Text” section.
  5. Readability Score: One ranking factor that might affect your content is how easy it is to read. Most stylesheets aim for at least 60 points on the Flesch reading scale. Try to write using simple words and short sentences.

The SEO blueprint stage 2 checklist covers technical SEO and on-page SEO strategies. April Pad provides unique SEO services and will help you rank your website on Google.

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About this Article

April Pad creates articles that help our users and visitors find answers to search engine optimization (SEO) issues. This article introduces concepts of Technical SEO and on-page SEO that must be included in an SEO blueprint. Some of our content demonstrates the implementation of SEO strategies and techniques.

Although we do not reject automation, we only use AI to edit and optimize our content. Users can always trust that our information is verified by experience, practice, and in-depth research.

Warner Williams is an SEO and content writer with over ten years of experience. He holds a BA in English and, in 2024, helped over 175 web admins rank on Google’s first page.





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