How to Check Your Website SEO Score

SEO Score
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What is SEO Score? The SEO score is the optimization value that is attributed to a website. Google uses this score to decide where sites appear on its search result pages (SERP). The number is rated between zero (0) and 100. The hope of every website owner is to score at least 70.

The website SEO score is established by a combination of factors that Google uses to rank websites. Most of these metrics are done within your website and are referred to as on-page SEO. The most important units are:

  • The website or page title. This is an attention-getting phrase or sentence that will introduce your page to people.
  • The description summary (tag): This is a presentation of the content that is within your website or posts.
  • Keywords and Images: Adding keywords to your website helps Google focus better on your content. Add some images to help readers get a better understanding of your content. Make sure you add alternate text to your images.
  • Internal links: You should always link your pages to each other by making reference to them through keyword links.

How Important Are Backlinks?
Another metric that Google uses is the number of other websites that link to yours. This is called backlinks and in the SEO world categorized as off-page SEO. Some backlinks carry more weight than others, with the best links coming from sites with the extensions of .edu, .org, or, .gov.

How to calculate your SEO Score

SEO Score

So, the good news is that you can improve your SEO score by improving each sector that is required. The first step though, is to know where you are. This is done by consulting with an SEO checker App.

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Some of these checkers can cost a fortune especially since they know how important this information is to site owners. Some have bundled the score checker with other services to make it more appealing.

Get Your SEO Score Completely Free

There is an App checker that will conduct your SEO score check absolutely free. Not only will they tell how your website scores but will provide a complete guide on what you should do to improve your chance on Google.

Here is how you do it.

  • Open the link in your browser.
  • Enter your website URL (
  • Click on the search button and the score should appear

You are now ready to work on your search engine ranking.