How Warhammer Uses Holiday SEO to Drive Sales

Red Gobbo

As early as November 8, the Warhammer Community softly rolled out its annual Holiday SEO campaign. Every year, Games Workshop uses a grim Santa known to players as Da Red Gobbo. Fans delve into the hunt for the red-capped figure just in time for Christmas.

press Release

The Warhammer Community outlined the goal of this campaign in the introduction to a November 15 article. “There’s a chill in the air, the nights are drawing in, and shops are packed with tinsel. It can only mean one thing… It’s November – and da Red Gobbo has awoken from his slumber. ”

Games Workshop has an awesome SEO team that understands the importance of early Holiday SEO campaigns. More so, the specialists make no effort to hide their strategy. Long before the festive seasons, the studio was already singing jingle bells.

“Here at Warhammer Community we love Christmas. Da Red Gobbo graces us with his presence, teaching us all about the virtues of revolushun, snowballs with bombs in them, and the teknikaliteez of Orkish spelling… and we get to show off all sorts of cool Christmas swag to stuff in your stockings, gear up for an incredible Grotmas Calendar, and run a competition to win a big bag of awesome prizes.”

Grotmas Came Early with Holiday SEO for Warhammer Fans

The company has done marvels with its rebranding of both Santa Claus (Da Red Gobbo) and Christmas (Grotmas). Fans anticipate their arrival and willingly participate in the hunt for the grumpy Red Gobbo during the grimmest Grotmas.

Unlike most gaming studios, Games Workshop uses characters and settings enshrined in its lore as part of its SEO campaign. In a community blog post dated October 28, it offered free miniature statues and a Red Gobbo coin to participants.

“Every month, you can visit your local Warhammer store to collect a miniature of the month for free, and from the 2nd of November, you’ll be able to join up with the Leagues of Votann to scour the galaxy for valuable materials with a Hernkyn Yaegir.

“This month’s collectable coin is a festive surprise—Da Red Gobbo has had his visage minted once again, and these tokens will be the only method of trade and bartering in the revolutionary future.”

According to report data published by Statista, up to 67% of shoppers are wooed by discounts and prizes and prefer to shop where they are promoted. Games Workshop has effectively used holiday SEO strategies to access a growing game market. We should learn from this and incorporate it into our SEO planning.


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