How to Choose an Espresso Machine for a Speciality Café

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Making the best choice for an espresso machine for a speciality café depends on factors influencing you and your brewing style. While some cafés brew manually, others choose to produce espresso drinks using machines. Here are some tips on choosing the most suitable machine for your needs.

Factors to consider when choosing an espresso machine for a speciality café.


Start your quest by estimating how many drinks you plan to produce per hour, using the steam boiler size. Bigger steam boilers have higher output. For example, a 7 -10 liter steam boiler will produce between 30 – 50 expresso drinks per hour.

espresso machineCertification

Due to food safety laws, your espresso machine must be certified. Start by checking with your local authorities for a list of certified machines.

Budget and Boiler Type


Choose a boiler type that fits your production capacity and budget. Dual or multi-broiler machines are built for higher output but cost more than heat exchange boiler machines.  You may reduce costs by acquiring used equipment.

Types of Espresso Machines

Another pointer in deciding how to choose an espresso machine for your specialty café is its type and function. There are four types of expresso machines:

1). Manual Machines: With manual machines, the barista manually grinds, brews, and refines the drink to his taste and dial. Although there is some inconsistency produced by the rush and different baristas, some cafés prefer to have more control over the variables of an espresso drink.

2). Semi-automatic: Semi-automatic machine is about staying in control. Although the machine does a lot of the process, you control the pump and the grinding, It’s also a bit cheaper than fully automatic models.

3). Automatic: Some cafés chose this type of equipment wanting to maintain some manual control but not supervise water overflow. This leads to better consistency between baristas. reducing the possibility of human errors.

4). Super-automatic: This is a completely automated processor where you only need to load the beans and wait for your espresso drinks. Besides the reduced work input, it gives a higher quality beverage, push-button controls, and computerized processes. As a great time saver, it is used by most café icons such as Stardust.

The final decision is yours. Whatever your choice may be, this quick guide will help you select an espresso machine for your speciality café.

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